She is such a joy. She smiles all the time.. it's crazy! She is a great eater and has liked everything except green beans... but I don't blame her! She loves to feed herself but only has two little bottom teeth so for now she is only feeding herself some poofs and these potato sticks we got in Korea. She pulls her hair when she is tired and she will say, "OOOOOoooooo" when she sees something she likes. She will mimic "mamamama" and "dadada" but I don't think she knows what they mean just yet. She is pulling up on furniture and will walk across the room holding on to her stroller walker toy. She is going to be walking in no time. She still HATES her baths with a passion. She actually hurts my ears when she screams. It is so high pitch and with so much force at first I thought I had burned her with the water or something. She is okay with getting her hands and feet wet but that is about it. I take her out of the sink and wrap her in a towel and then hold her over the sink to wash her hair. She actually kind of likes this and tonight she started to fall asleep while I was doing it. She is getting better with changing her diaper but still does not like for me to change her clothes. She is also better with her high chair, car seat, and didn't mind her stroller at all. She seems to enjoy going to the bus stop and I think she is starting to recognize the bus because she gets excited when she sees it.
Adrian is in total love with this little girl. Everyday off the bus his smile is stretched across his whole face as he runs to the car. He is so proud of her too always asking me to roll the window down so that he can show his sister off to his friends. He is really good with her too. Tonight he fed her a bottle and never complains when I need his help with her. I love the way he talks to her and the way he is always looking out for her. Tonight I was throwing her up in the air (not far.. like inches) and catching her and he didn't like that at all. He told me I don't catch very well and I might drop her.
Luca seems to like his sister so far. He will kiss her and seems to get a kick out of the fact that she gets a kick out of him. He is only 5 so he is not really into playing much with her. He had a bit of a rough adjustment with the whole thing but is getting better. He was seeking out attention of all kinds and was emotional the first few days we were home. So far though, all this change has not caused him to focus any negativity on Eden... which is really good.
We have had lots of visitors, emails, phone calls, etc. Everyone is so excited and has been so wonderful.
It still doesn't seem real that she is actually here. I can't believe that she is upstairs right now! So many years waiting and dreaming and waiting... and now she is here. I can't imagine any other little girl being my daughter. She is perfect. Ron and I just can't believe how lucky we are. It's as if we won the jackpot! I have loved her from before she breathed her first breath... the idea of her. Now I am falling in love with the little person that she is. This wonderful, beautiful little person.
She's so adorable. And I love that Adrian loves her so much. Don't worry - the not letting you put her down thing will get better. I promise :)
What a great post! My two little boys are 7 and 9 and my youngest is very much "the baby". So I expect he is going to be a little clingy tomorrow and for the next few days.
Eden is super cute and I am so happy for you all!
Wow, what an amazing transition you guys are having. I love love reading everything you are saying and trying to imagine myself in your shoes hopefully within the year.... she is just so so precious and I am so happy for you. I can realate to what you are saying, I am so in love with our baby girl and the idea that she will be a part of our family, even though I have no idea who she is yet, crazy!!!
Thanks for sharing all this great insight - love it! And that is so cool your oldest is so excited to show Eden off, my oldest, Jack, is starting to tell everyone about Leah, and I am so thrilled he is so happy with the idea.
Thank you so much for being candid and sharing. I found your blog through the Adopting from Korea yahoo group and have enjoyed reading all of your posts. Eden is precious!
Love the new pictures.....just so you know - w are just crazy about her.
Good to hear you are all doing so well. It is as if she has always been here. She is such a love. I can't wait to see her today!
She is so cute. I'm so happy that things are going so well for you, especially the fact that she is sleeping through the night. That is huge. I have been showing Sophia pictures of Eden and explaining that Adrian and Luca have a baby sister now and she is very excited to meet her. I'll call you soon.
WOW! I found your blog by....well.......people mis-typing my blog! A few friends told me there was another blog with almost the same name as mine so I came to check it out. I read and read and read and read and wow, what an amazing journey you've had!!
I, too have a little Eden after having 2 boys. It is wonderful!
Anyway, congrats to you, I love your blog! (think I'll bookmark it!) :)
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